Thursday, September 30, 2010

Princess Michiko

Princess Michiko. But her pet name was princess. Though not in the direct line of ascending a throne, her parents belonged to a royal lineage with all the perks and vestiges that go with it. A palace in the city, a castle in the country, tax free income, insignia, horses, coach, liveried servants, the awe and respect from the people, they had everything. A bubbly little girl precocious for her age and pretty in looks, she was a bundle of mischief but still lovable and adorable. The only daughter of Duke Alex and Duchess Lyn, she would one day be a duchess herself. Wow, what a blessing to be born a princess?

One fine morning, she urged her nanny to allow her to join the kids in the play ground a little farther from her parents’ mansion  flying kites, skipping ropes, jumping jacks  and  playing with abandon, name it and they have every game and thoroughly enjoying it.

But her nanny was adamant in her refusal scared as she was of being taken to task by the duke and duchess if they found out their little princess playing with commoners. No amount of tearful pleading or persuasion could move her nanny. Michiko had to be content seeing them play from her balcony. As luck would have it, one late afternoon when nanny was not around, she heard the boisterous laughter of the kids from yonder. Impelled by strong desire she quietly removed her shoes from her dainty feet, tiptoed on the large hallway downstairs and hurried unseen across the gate in barefoot as fast as her legs could carry her.

At first, her feet were quite wobbly, a li’l bit painful and a li'l bit shaky as she had never walked barefoot let alone on the pavement. Her heart was pounding in excitement of the fun she would have with her soon-to-be playmates.

Tip…toe…tip…toe, then kids came running near her. “Who are you?” asked one of the daring kids dressed in soiled clothes…

“I am Princess Michiko. I have come here wishing to play with you all,” she answered with a beaming smile. “I want to be friends with you all…” while pointing her dainty-reddish fingers to each and everyone around her, “and that is the reason I escaped unseen,” she added without any guile.

The kids looked at each other in a perplexed manner. She looked different with her braided hair in her spotless silk gown of brocades and embroidery. There was not a speck of dirt in her silky skin unlike their dirty clothes and muddy legs. She is not one of them they thought as they slowly one after the other left her alone. “Why are they leaving? Why wouldn’t they play with me? I can also get dirty like them if they wish so,” she thought. The little girl could control no longer the tears flowing from her eyes. She waited at the spot looking at the children receding away from her again in laughter and noise.

Wait!!! One girl stopped and started walking towards her. Slowly the other urchins followed suit though haltingly. Soon Princess Michiko was surrounded by all the kids once again with some looking at her with wonder and some were trying to touch her. The girl who turned towards her first said “I am Mariah. We all wish to be your friend, if you don’t mind. You look like a real princess.”  Teary-eyed Michiko said, “Thanks….but I may not be able to come daily though I will try. I am glad you are all friends to me now. I will treasure it. Let me go. My nanny is watching….”

As she tiptoed back home, she saw her friends waving hands at her. Her nanny who had been watching met her half way and said, “do not worry, I will allow them to enter our garden and play with you once a week. We can even give them cookies, chocolates and candies to eat….Wipe the tears now and be cheerful…”

She did try to make friends with the commoners. She succeeded.

And from then on, Princess Michiko remained a cheerful, well-loved princess by her commoner-playmates.


Written for Thursday Tales

Prompt: Try

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Tampered drugs busted  
Policemen engulfed supplier
Arrest imminent


Written for:
Prompts:  Imminent, Tamper, Engulf

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Meditate God’s words
In His holy, sacred book
Sanctifies mankind


Written for:

Prompt: Sacred

Monday, September 27, 2010

Today's Flowers: Lavender Beauty


I took this photo of flowers while I was jogging one early morning in a beach resort near our home. They abound along the beach. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010


An epitome of virtue he was
Dignified in bearing and true in heart
He had his ups and downs
that he bore with no elation or frowns

He was an idol much adored by his family
A hero to his friends and community
The poor and needy found succor in him

While the sick and the hungry saw a helping hand

He became an advocate of world peace
And an honest-to-goodness environmentalist
He was against drugs and child abuse
And more so with violence at home

He may not be a perfect and great person
But he has done good deeds without question
He richly deserves a worthy and lasting tribute
A monument in his name raised without dispute


Do you know of anyone? He may not be the totality of this poem. You may have elbowed with him once or twice. Or you may have lived with him throughout your existence. Who do you think he must be? He maybe a loved one, a dear friend, a grandfather, a father, a leader, a mentor, a husband, a son, a nephew? Tell me who could be that one person who deserves a monument?

Written for: One Single Impression

Prompt: Monument

Also Linked to Monday Poetry Potluck

Model: Buildings, Landmarks and Monuments

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Puppy Love???

Seated on a bench along a boulevard one cloudy late afternoon, playmates Camille and John were a picture of happy kids. Innocent and with utter lack of guile in looks, they always teased each other even to the extent of John nudging Camille that they hold hands.

When Camille answered with a giggle, John without forewarning, planted a kiss on Camille’s cheeks of which the latter’s reaction was just to close her eyes. When she stood up and started walking dazed, John suddenly felt attracted to her gait. Will the blossoming love ripen at that age? Maybe? A puppy love?....:)


Written for Thursday Tales 

Prompts: gait, nudge, ripen

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Joie de Vivre

an innocent smile
from a baby’s face

a warm hug
from a loved one

playing peek-a-boo
with dear daddy

a walk in the beach
on a lazy sunset

a few laps in the pool
on a beautiful sunrise

a hot coffee and a good book
on a cold winter night

watching kids
play hide and seek

 seeing a colorful butterfly
feasts on a lovely flower

listening to birds chirping 
hopping from branch to branch

ah, the simple joys of living
they are endless

you can’t count them
by your fingers

but deep in your heart
you know that simple things are
what make you happiest!


Written for:

Prompt: Joie de Vivre

Photo courtesy: All images are taken from!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Brave Little Hannah...

“Can I ride one of them someday?” I asked my dad while we toured his horses’ stable one day.

“Yes, my lovely girl, you will soon when you become a little older!” my Dad answered.

But I couldn’t wait any longer and so one fine morning, I connived with my ever dearest Nanny that she helped me get dressed!

After finally putting on my boots, I ran as fast as my legs could take me to reach the stable, panting heavily!

I saw the horses in shining and velvety skin scampering and trotting majestically in perfect rhythm .The stable head was not seen. I was innocently thinking that if I get their attention and move near them, they would willingly stop by for me to clamber on them. Never did I give a thought that I could offend them, what if they had a volatile character. Initially I was content with looking at the brown, big horses from a distance through the opening in the wooden fence. As my fear reduced and my confidence grew, I stepped inside and went near the horses. It was a strange sight to see a young demure girl dressed up in silken fineries of pink color, in boots and a pretty big hat on head amidst the horses.

When a couple of horses trotting fast came inches to me unaware that I wished to ride them, the stable head who noticed me from a distance was scared that I would get trampled and get hurt. He came running towards me shooing the horses away.

“Hey Hannah!!! what a foolish thing you’re doing. Don’t you know that horses too can hurt unknowingly? You are such a tiny girl. Lucky nothing happened. Who brought you here? Does your Mom know? Where is your Nanny?”

“No one knows except Nanny, Uncle. But I didn’t tell her I am coming here,” I answered sheepishly, out of fear and guilt.

"Come, would you like to ride one of them?" he kindly asked with an assuring smile on his face.

I told him "Yes, uncle, I would like to. But I am afraid and also excited.....would you take care of me?”

It was a fascinating experience though he chose a small pony for my ride. As I was enjoying the fun I failed to notice Dad, Mom and Nanny all beaming with pride as they were standing at the fence cheering me. I could see they were proud of their little girl as they patted me for my courage and grit. I was not upset with nanny for she did her duty in keeping my parents informed of my escapade.

It was a memorable day for me. To this day I am still that same little girl Hannah, strong-willed, mischievous, adventurous and an optimist!


Written for Thursday Tales

Prompts: demure, offend, volatile

Thursday, September 16, 2010


nature's grand allure
soothes tired mind, body and soul
unique therapy  


Linked to: Skywatch Friday


It's our holiday yesterday. My hubby's family joined us in our escapade to the mountains where at the foot of these mountains are vast rice fields.Yes, we had a grand time communing with nature where all you could hear are the chirping birds, the noisy cicadas, the rushing water from the mountains passing through a man-made gravitational irrigation system made for irrigating those wide rice fields. 

I enjoyed the breathtaking sceneries around by taking photos. Click here, click there.... :))) It was really therapeutic! Now here I am sharing you one of the photos I took while we were leaving the place. Would you believe we came from the foot of that mountain? Yes, we stayed in a thatched cottage, found among thick trees and surrounded by lemon and coconut trees. It was an awesome whole day retreat. A wonderful way to recharge. My youngest kid aged 15 even enjoyed swimming in that gravitational irrigation. The water is so cool, crystal clear and really refreshing... :)

It was also harvest time and farmers took a pose for some stolen shots I made. They were all smiles, as if it were a treat to be photographed...:) I enjoyed doing it too! :P

The cottage/nipa hut where we spent the whole day. Party hidden from the trees around...

The crystal clear, cool water from the mountains, running through man-made irrigation canals
that will irrigate the vast rice fields down the valley.

Farmers waving their hands, shouting like kids "take a photo, pleaseeeee!!!"

This group is a lil' bit shy....:)


Written for:
Prompt: Appreciation

Also for:
Prompt: The Passing

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Breathless Charm!

Yonder I see a stretch of tulips dancing
in the sun, with colors galore and shining
my eyes could only passionately feast
on the charm of this sumptuous treat
of robust and fluttering flowers!

Written for:
Prompts: charm, feast, robust

Sunday, September 05, 2010


A remote cottage
nestled among trees, flowers
a clear pond nearby


Some notes on the picture: Another cross-stitch work of mine, which I had a great time working on it while I was on maternity leave nursing my youngest child. A labor of love...;) :)... That was 15 years back, as you can see there are already smudges around the frame, a sign of old age! ;)

Written for Haiku Heights
Prompt: BEAUTY

Saturday, September 04, 2010


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 14; the fourteenth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

She was restless the whole night. The pain and agony was unbearable. She cannot take it anymore, she decided. “This will be the last session,” she thought to herself.

 “Can you still manage some more chemos? I know it is painful but we should not stop the course midway,” the doctor gently said.

“I am bent on giving up Doc. You have said yourself earlier it is incurable. Why then is this punishment?” she answered obstinately tinged with sadness. He knew she alternated between bad periods of total weakness and acute pain and tolerable intervals with some minor discomfort.

She wrapped her shawl over her and went outside her home one late evening. It was cold and foggy and the mood was depressing. She walked with a heavy heart over the creaking bridge that she had often frequented. She heard the distant howl of an owl, as if portending something dreadful to happen.

Step by step, she walked to the middle of the bridge. “What is there to live for, you abandoned me when I needed you most,” she whispered to herself in between tears and painful sobs. Her thoughts hovered around her lover who vanished like a coward once he knew she was afflicted with cancer. "Would she have done this to him if he were in her position," she asked herself.

Gripping the railings of the bridge, she let her eyes wander around for the last moment. She suddenly recalled those happy times when they walked on the bridge hand in hand and hoping that those happy moments will last forever. "How fickle the human nature is," she wondered.

She closed her eyes, drew a deep breath and gathered all the strength left in  her and heaved herself over the bridge plunging  into the deep cold waters  while she muttered….“I know you will never return to me anymore. But til death I will love you James no matter what you did to me. I shall keep my side of our promise”!

Splash!!!…gurgling sound for a while….then silence! A deafening silence............!

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

Written for Thursday Tales

Also for Blog-a-Ton
Prompt: Return