Saturday, January 22, 2011


She was like a blind man groping in the dark, trying to find the meaning of life, the reason of her existence, her mission in this world.

She was already in her middle years, but still, she couldn’t find the meaning of her existence. Life was routine spent on eating, sleeping and mundane activities. She admired Mother Theresa of Calcutta, India. Now she wished to follow in her footsteps, but how?

She wished to remove that abstract blindfold she had voluntarily worn for years. She felt unhappy with her life. She wanted to find the right direction to a fulfilling existence. 

To start anew, she felt learning the ABC like a child, counting 1,2, 3 by her fingers, trying to take bold steps like a nine month old baby who was  just starting to practice her motor skills.

And finally, in a twinkling of an eye, she knew what to do. She became aware of  what  she was missing in her life. And yes, she now  knew what can make her happy.

On a Sunday morning in church, she informed the Church Pastor of her keen desire to teach the  kids in Sunday school and if she still had enough time, to teach the adult ladies also in Sunday school. The pastor readily agreed praising her for her compassion and telling her that she was nearer the Lord than she ever was.

Now all of a sudden  her world looked bright and sunny. She promised herself that she will do what she had decided till her last days when God will come and take her to His bosom, in Heaven.

Happiness is not having a lot of money but it is in having compassion for the poor and needy. 


Written for Thursday Tales

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